Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Shelly Martinez Notorious

Everything he gave me will remain within

I think it was my son ,

I thought I omnipotent,

lord heaven and earth,

and instead made of earthy life and dying.

I think it was my son

child born of a father

and by a distracted mother.

Son by son,

sex sex,

seed from hope,

generated and never created ,

to unconsciousness of his father.

for the youth and for our ignorance

came down from heaven and labor of love for

as the dawn and heat

became incarnate in the womb of a virgin

already compromised and was made abyss.

did not ask anything but

was killed for us under any Pontius Pilate.

died and was drowned in the water black

of a bad memory

and the third day he rose

like a dream was born and died immediately

and rose in my throat like a retching

to cry in the silence of the mother

now in mourning for a wrong word

and order the father

that gave the snake its rib

and a child died before being born

... and there will be more history to judge the living

and the dead and the resentment avran not ever end.


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