Monday, August 18, 2008

Getting Office Blueprints

Madrid, Bilbao, San Sebastian

This return to Madrid was full of emotions.
I continually before his eyes the faces of people who I met and who accompanied me on this journey.
Part of me staying at home in the photo of Simon dressed in orange and smiles: Miguel and seeing you again, hug, sing and laugh together was beautiful.
And what about Francesca and Stefania?
At times I would have killed, I have done very little sleep! Managgia you and your twenty years!
But you have two incredible adventure companion.
Only you make me you could dance to salsa until seven in the morning. La Salsa! Do you realize?! I still can not believe it.
Stephen, you and your damn loud voice ... Francesca And I said I was his man. But couples who had made them?
But then I took my revenge by forcing you to dance all night between the notes of Rage Against the Machine.
Anyway you look to the passage in September will reopen Alcatraz and the Rolling Stones and then there will not be for anyone! And then Clara
, but how crazy are you?!
I never met a fool like you! But from what planet are you from? What did you do before and where you live?
No, no: you're not made of flesh and bones. You must be out of the exit of some pencil drawing crowds. And yes I thought I was the fool of the village! XD go around with you is like going a walk to Mickey Mouse with Goofy!
You, and your pants Braccini thousand expressions. Romulus, My Fiorella
that follows you like a shadow and that puts a bit 'of rationality in your raids, otherwise ...
Thank you, thank you for everything! :) Except for all that sleep that I have stolen and will soon ask back.


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