If there had been more than a life in between, we would be more than lovers.
One, two, three lives divide us beyond the flesh.
The distance does not matter. No. They are the hearts that count.
to make matches and two we should injuring at least three.
What? A love that is more of a trinity of suffering?
And if not love? If it proves only a meeting of loneliness?
Yet all tells us that our lips would always happy
boundaries if they could touch each more than a moment in an instant.
I miss one more night with you to love you. And I never had.
Every now return to the station but I feel that my legs and smiles are still
in that train is leaving with you, within me.
And I wonder why two lives together so they can not stay together
most of the time and space that was allotted to them.
Because, you know, no one was so similar to you as I was.
We have the same eyes, same eyes
only two beats in an arrhythmia
and endless city invisible and submerged bodies of lovers, not yet inhabited.
Eh. I believe that if we lived together we would even have the same name.
After that there remains only to divide our movements
if there were half a vertigo and a fear of flying.
So what dreams we
fly until the wings will want to soar. They are the
So what dreams we
fly until the wings will want to soar. They are the
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