Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Rv Bill Of Sale In Texas
Title: 'll reap the harvest sown That You
Beta: / / /
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0
Characters: Danny "Damage" Williams, Steve McGarret, Kono Kalakaua, Chin Ho Kelly, Mary McGarrett, Meka (mentions of Ben, Rachel and Sid)
pairings: Danny / Steve
PG13 Warnings: are dogs. It 'true, police dogs. Do you really need to know more?
Word: 7428 (FiDiP
Summary: The first time I had met Danny was still a normal sniffer dog, thank you, completely happy to have just smelled an odd smell (that of someone nothing like the smell of humans that should have been the scene of the crime) when Steve McGarrett and his humanity had burst and they decided to ruin his life.
1. I would like to exculpate myself from this, but I really can not. Since I read one of the many puppy! story of
2. Danny is a Pomeranian, Steve is a Doberman, Akita Chin and Kono are the Americans, Rachel is a Beagle, Grace is a bastard (but a beautiful bastard).
3. For the prompt Prison @ COW-T
Disclaimer: H5-O is not mine, Danny and Steve are not mine ... my life is very pathetic.
( Danny liked to think that it is not racist, really. He did not believe in all that crap that humans continued to repeat the DNA of dogs and how some breeds are simply more violent than others. ) @
Friday, February 18, 2011
What Questions Are On The Cogat?
Neither the thousand splendid suns that hide behind
its walls"
.: Fifteen years, Mariam has never been in Herat. Since its Kolba wood up the hill, keep the minarets in the distance and looks forward to the arrival on Thursday, the day her father comes to visit and speak of poets and beautiful gardens of rockets landing on the moon and movies that cast in his films. Mariam would have wings in order to achieve Home of Herat, where his father will not ever because she is a haram, a bastard, and it would be a humiliation for his three wives and ten children legitimate hosted under the same roof. He would also like to go to school, but it would be useless, says her mother, how to polish a spittoon. The only thing you must learn is patience. Laila was born in Kabul on the night of the revolution, in April 1978. He was only two years old when his brothers were enrolled in the jihad. For this, the day of the funeral, find it hard to cry. For Laila, Tariq's brother is the true, the child of his neighbors, who lost a leg to a landmine but can defend it from the teasing of his peers, the playmate who teaches the words in Pashto and every evening to say good night with the light signals from the window. Mariam and Laila could not be more different, but the war will bring together in unpredictable ways. The interweaving of two destinies, an unforgettable story that tells the story of a country in search of peace, friendship and love seem to be the only salvation.
.: Wonderful book, there is more to say. There is no truth except what you create fighting and believing.
I wanted to leave two rows in this regard because at last I managed to finish it - six months after -, I had to read my not being to 'rate' and whenever I had to stop raving impatiently, waiting for the moment where I could continue, as it is a book that knows take the reader - literally catapulted into a reality-and-history- raw, so real that it seems true - and in many ways it really is- in a world devastated by war and bent from the madness , beautiful and fragile as a piece of glass. Sharp. Emerging
then becomes very difficult, as it is difficult to criticize this altrettando; uno dei migliori libri di letteratura contemporanea, sicuramente.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Build Miniature Horse Hay Feeders
.: XXIV :
I adore you the equal of the vo Ute night
O vessel of sadness, O great taciturn
And love even more beautiful, you shun me.
And you seem, ornament of my nights,
More ironically
accumulate miles that separate my arms from the blue immensity.
I advance to the attack, and I climb to the assault, after
As c. a dead one Oeur of worms,
And I cherish, O b been implacsable and cruel!
Until this coldness which thou art more lovely!
[Charles Baudelaire - Les Fleurs du Mal]
For St. Valentine's Day, è troppo semplice
Perchè avere a
giorno all ' anno in cui amare.
° ° by Morgan
Sunday, February 13, 2011
What Is Morton Quick Salt
(Mark Twain)
.: And you have no idea how much I hate myself every time I speak instinctively , disconnecting the filt that connects the brain and mouth.
( Suzanne Brohan)
The truth is that I was never what it seems, especially in recent years and, at times, - Often at this time - I happen to have moments when I say everything, all my actions, apparently made with malice or with the sole purpose of hurting it is not so obviously, it's just an impression, but it is hard to explain to those who know me a little, so I prefer to keep quiet, hoarding pictures of shit and accepting the bubble: girl bitch.
now I've made the call.
the next post.)
° ° by Morgan
Monday, February 7, 2011
Revlon Skinlights Face Illuminator Peach Light
Prima Carta
.:You are The Tower
Ambition, fighting, war, courage. Destruction, danger, fall, ruin .
The Tower represents war, destruction, but also spiritual renewal. Plans are disrupted. Your views and ideas will change as a result.The Tower is a card about war, a war between the structures of lies and the lightning flash of truth. The Tower stands for "false concepts and institutions that we take for real." You have been shaken up; blinded by a shocking revelation. It sometimes takes that to see a truth that one refuses to see. Or to bring down beliefs that are so well constructed. What's most important to remember is that the tearing down of this structure, however painful, makes room for something new to be built.
Seconda Carta
.:You are The Star
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Star is one of the great cards of faith, dreams realised . The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict Any immediate change or Powerful, But it does predict hope and healing. This card Suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, That unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench your thirst, with a guiding light to the future. They Might Say you're a dreamer, But You're Not The Only One.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out
why he put two cards instead of one is obvious: the Tower is the 'me' of the past and that part which is destructive and self-defeating ; embodied in my person, while the Stars [Other paper decidedly ambiguous] symbolize the change that occurred and the 'future', or as they are and how I might be in relation to the changes I have - I have to-face.
I will not dwell much longer because there is nothing particular to say, unfounded and just a test that I like to repeat every so often to see if there was some change and to find other designs of the cards , [plus, I love the Tarot. cards are beautiful]
That said, I greet you and go to sleep.
Goodnight ... By Morgan
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Left Arm Is Numb Fast Heart Beat
[Everything was lost? It was inevitable that it was changed?
I had to forget? We must close our eyes ? We must forgive, because everybody lives of crumbs?
We think that all that haunts us is a small thing seen from distant stars
, Altazor, Grapatax, Mab, Zelda and Dandelion?
Or, just because we are small things, we must fight for our
crumb justice, or the stars will fall
.: Dances and Songs of a Dead World:.
by: Morgan
"I woke up in the middle of a head without remembering how I got there.
The air was heavy because of the humidity of the night and the damp grass tickled my feet, making me shiver with the cold I do not remember anything beyond a few feelings, captured by the senses rather numb.
There was the rustle of leaves stirred by the autumn wind and the soft chatter of the few insects survived the rapid change of season, the dry leaves of the trees, now almost devoid of leaves deltutto, seemed outstretched hands clawed into the black void with the wish to grasp what no man would dare touch.
I looked round again, a bit 'disconsolate. "I want to go home," I muttered, shrugging his shoulders, now tired of the cold.
A firefly, the last of his kind, I buzzed around before disappearing into a hollow tree a short distance, I had always been afraid of the dark and solitude, but there was something in that field is terribly fascinating.
The grass, the wind in the trees ... they are all things that are not now more in my country, buried from the building.
With heart pounding in his chest moved a few uncertain steps. I was still afraid, but the magic of the enchanted world I was slowly kidnapping.
rhythmic thuds heard in the distance created by instruments such as the old world, its so vague those awakened in me an instinctive primeval, ancient as the earth itself.
Without realizing my feet moved in time, dancing on the wet grass describing wide circles around an imaginary point. I could not wait ... I did not feel anything other than a roll that even the wind had been silenced, I felt the adrenaline pumping from the heart to every cell, while the senses are acuivano with the increase of sound in a whirl, as little by little, I had my head whirling ottennebrando reason and thought.
run, run ...
The breathing became more intense following in the footsteps of the ancient dance.
clouds in the sky thundered pouring ice water splashing on the ground. The drums had become deafening.
the fog disappeared, around the ankles to get rid of my feet over his blanket and rain inundates me drenched to the bone, the pajamas glued to a body so unnatural, that I could detect fatigue as my
Frenzy, delirium pictures of the world began to swirl in a spiral of dark colors, undefined, where the glitter of rain and mist of glitter left were the only source of light, although the small intestine.
Suddenly, almost without realizing it, the drums stopped beating while the clouds vanished as if they never existed.
My eyes and soared to the sky, at that moment, I had the most beautiful and disconcerting vision of all my life. A Luna
huge, bloody, reigned supreme in the sky disappearing over the horizon and the more I stared kidnapped, the more I seemed to see human traits in the perfect sphere spectacular hues.
I smiled and I smiled back, waving his arms in the air like a madman, his body shivering ice cream and drenched clothes clinging to the limbs. In that field
timeless screamed with all the breath in his body, tired of dancing, with a light heart and full of animal excitement, old, aware dell'ispiegabile.
I screamed because I was happy because my feet hurt, because in the run barefoot because I was hurt and, ultimately, screaming was the only thing that I could do.
I was free.
I was alive.
I cried for the thick, for the love and pain, for a house was once surrounded by fields, now buried by condominiums. I cried for a ground wire emerged from the waters of a lake that was heartbreaking to sell to tourists. I cried because I finally found myself and the world.
I cried fell on his knees among the bushes.
cried together and the sky faded to the field.
I cried again, and everything became black.
Now I know what they are trying to grab the trees at night and what a man blinded by the desire will never have. Now I know why some people dream of a world, living in another and they are sick.
Now I know, but at the time of unbridled dance was just a child and children, you know, they see that adults are precluded worlds ... "
Dedicated to all those who never stop dreaming and hoping for a world Unlike .
a Kiss.
· Morgan °
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Mw2 Language Translation
Incline your ear, old man
Hear your voice? It is the road that calls.
It's sad, dejected and lacks color
Even you are tired of gray.
I know, I know you, I will not be fooled
From this appearance of good and decent man.
Your true essence is hidden there
Under a jacket and tie and a bitch, yes.
What give yourself away so I do not accept
of what you were still a reflection
Faded, blurred, confused and staggered
meanly disposed of as threadbare fabric
Former soldier, fight back
That this battle is not yet won
All is not lost: there is still compensation
A, incredible, but if you believe possible.
My help is here, does not accept
If you want to do alone, just succeed.
Take your time she feels she needs
I'll be waiting impatiently that day.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Plus Size Walden Galeria
['trudge. You know the verb plod? Trudge: the slow, tiring, depressing, but determined to proceed to a man who has nothing in life except having the urge to simply continue the fight "]
(Geoffrey Chaucer)
Arrancp , because sometimes I do not have the strength to walk, but only to get carried away by events.
["And for us every day is precious.
And we have the stories.
And we fix things, you do not.
And even if the wind blows against us, we always ate bread and storm, and this too will pass. "]
(Stefano Benni)
This quote belongs to My mother and His way to infuse strength. Seconded, always pointing to a past which showed fighting, for better or worse, trying to instill important lesson: can not give up, the difficulties must be faced head-on ! Sometimes I remember these words and I can go ahead - head held high, without fear, with new power- other times fear comes over me, paralyzing me off and in any offensive intention toward doom.
It is not easy and often a sense of guilt, which in my mind walking hand in hand with the conviction of being an unnecessary burden on my parents, causes me deep crises tend al'autolesionismo - legacy of hospital-, I'd love to be equipped with His strength and His ability to swallow cum Storm bread without being destroyed, but unfortunately I can define my fighting spirit , vanishes before the thing you hate most in this world: the Hospital.
Trauma 'Kids' which have never been able to emerge, and every time I promises to the idea of spending hours of my life in a place of my mind usually collapses anninchilendo common sense and patience to hold on to a will 'primitive' that prompts me to put more kilometers as possible between me and the infamous place a pity that this is the situation the wrong thoughts, and then apply that I just have to swallow my Bread and Storm , and hope that Past this.
said that, I will stop here, at the next
delirium dictated by the Depression. By Morgan
° °
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Fotos De Mulher Peladas
Wandering on Youtube I found a short film - Anime - really wonderful.
It is titled " Kigek the " and tells of a lone knight - vampire - who lives in an old castle in ruins, near the Black Forest. This mysterious creature loves literature and only accepts rare books in exchange for his services as a knight - mercenary or assassin - enough to have accumulated a good collection, is presented as a taciturn and reserved, Gothic-looking [pitch black hair , medium long opalescent skin and dark clothes] more interested in reading that the surrounding world. The story
real propia begins when a young girl eager to save his family and his village from the invasion of British soldiers, collect an old book handed down within their own family to take him as a tribute to the knight in the hope of paying his services before the village is razed to the ground ...
.: I immediately loved this OAV, perhaps because the main characters embody Indea of my 'relationship' between a vampire [Vampire ambiguous, nonprofit and the vicissitudes of the earthly world of mortals, the slave of his passion and desirous of blood, not like the crap from propinateci Meyer] and a human child; a comparison made of silence, where she tries to get close to him, to his way of living and seeing the world, with his eyes filling the void left by the words ... though it is a short animated [ in which the dialogues should be Fundamental ] is just the silence that allows us to understand how wonderful the characters and the story told so much that I came naturally associate it with a fairy tale.
The setting, characters ... everything reminded me of the stories I read as a child my mother, I really do not consider this result diffiile one of the best short film I've ever seen, albeit brief.
.: posted this, if qulcuno will engage in the vision:
° °
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
What Does Of Brain Mean?
Confusion and boredom
not know where this will take me ?
And here we are all here
to bow before a new king
What then, again, what is it?
buried the old myths,
In the worst meal we vampires.
just missing the defeat
Your place he is,
tired in this tour?
should defend ourselves, but what are you doing?
Function words are used now.
If only I could really talk
wondering what haunts your sleep
But you're far away and do not want to return.
I feel the end
But I do not want to die
And what we need now
is a defender, a guide, an example,
No more gurus or quacks
But only a mind for our wings.
If this is not the role you want
Sunday, January 23, 2011
2nd Herpes Oubreak In A Month
I begin this collection of poems, all linked by a single thread, that if ever read, will be the only one to understand.
(Tears You will not know about EFP)
A sea where wrecked without being saved.
hour of sweet silence and uninterrupted.
few moments of peace to this tired body.
disappointed and resigned, apparently not
But what you see is not true.
Your enthusiasm I are wearing out,
Your obsession with me is staggering.
You want the mask, you look for inconsistency
t'accontento And if still not enough.
T'incolpo, I, for my confusion
I'm afraid, I admit, I'm afraid you
I do not know if you love my neighbor gift.
I love you, love you, I repeat, I love you
But if you are destroying me, now let go
If you can wait, I'll be flying.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
North Face Outlet In New Jersey S
Notes: Waiting for the trip to Rome!
Friday, January 21, 2011
How Long Can You Live After Thyroid Removal
Summary : And I turned off the only light in able to enlighten me.
Characters : Severus Snape
Rating : Green
Disclaimer : The characters are JK Rowling, the environments are JK Rowling, the song is Renato Zero, the image I found here and I edited myself. The story is mine, I'd like that before it was given the text or some part of it (although I do not understand who would want it XD) I had asked for permission.
Author's Note : Here the old version. I decided to write a review of all my writings ... though probably it will take me all year (if I finish).
What day is it?
How old am I?
'm awake or not?
This face here,
This body of mine,
But sure it's me?
I remember
In these eyes of mine
was sunny, she was there!
Then, with your ingenuity
world off your true identity
You die every day bit '
Angelo lost between the a crowd of subway
[ I Same I, Renato Zero]
Every day there the same. I crawl split between trying to protect students from Carrow and maintain my image as a faithful and devoted Death Eaters. Occasionally, I deliver even swords, using Patronus and the freezing of lakes, like an owl postman.
I do not know what day it is today. I have a vague idea of having thirty-eight years, but I'm not sure. My commitments keep me so busy have no time for petty things like myself.
But this evening I wanted to get out of Dumbledore's study - I will never call it "my office" - for a breath of fresh air, or at least remember how the world outside the castle.
Now it's dark, my shadow stretched imitates my every move. I keep a fast pace in a short time are on the lake. Gaze falls on my reflection e. .. I am really what I see?
The man who stares at me from the water is high, too skinny, pale as if he has not seen much sunlight. It 's so. Greasy black hair framed his face, gaunt and scarred by the claws of a hippogriff. But it is the expression that strikes me most: cold, ruthless, cruel. Does not extend to the eyes, however, two blacks abyss of sadness, sorrow, pain, love.
No. No one should notice. Nobody has to know. In an instant, even those grow cold, ruthless and cruel. Because this is what the world needs to see. Do not sorrow, no suffering, no pain, much less love. Why Severus Snape in the eyes of the people is this: a man cold, ruthless and cruel. Eaters, murderess, treacherous double agent. One who has fooled Dumbledore for years, has earned the trust and then he meanly killed. Nobody asks whether it is the truth. Nobody cares, anyway.
regard myself of the lake. I pause again on the eyes. Sad and suffering or cold and ruthless, are nothing but the abyss.
Once you were not so. Once they had the chance to shine, mirrors that reflect light Lei At that time, my eyes just because I loved her, looking, he could see.
Then I so naive as to follow my own thirst for power, I have moved away from her to join the Death Eaters.
And I turned off the only light that can enlighten me. That was what the Dark Lord demanded by his followers: that they were shadows. Absolutely true, comply with the orders without question. Dummies without heart and brain, without identity. Instruments in his hands.
I managed to find myself after have taken the Mark Black And every life stolen is nothing more than a step towards death.
a step.
And yet another.
I remember them all, and while now I've reached the castle, a thought makes its way into my mind.
I walked too much.
Author's Note: I like it. Yes, I like it. This story, in fact, I've always loved, but now that I've made some changes I like even more. If you had wanted to take a minute or two of your time to leave a comment ... Can you do me really happy!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Kidney Donation Herpes
After what I consider to be an eternity, I return to the world of fanfiction with a collection About Saint Seiya Gold Saints to focus on Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Probably the most consider it a 'strange ' not being the classic collection prompt defined based on a single pair, but an analysis of three characters through the Fire-element-handler, with one-shot focusing on missing moments of lives of three riders.
Pairing, Rating and the like will vary depending on the Prompt.
1. Flame | 2. Bonfire | 3. Cooking | 4. Blanching |
5. Sun | 6. Heat | 7. Ash | 8. Fire |
9. Greek fire | 10. Fire fatuous | 11. A choice | 12. Fire |
Complete 1 / 12 |
After a long absence from the world of fanfiction and 'sclera' literary - in general, I decided groped one of the many projects that I had considered years ago when still regularly publish stories of all kinds, without finding the courage to seriously cimentarmici: Tables with default prompt.
I admit I'd like to get started with the infamous Big Damn Table , but then - knowing me, I opted for something lighter and shorter, the opportunity presented itself to me as I wandered on the forum section of EFP Challenge where I discovered this' challenge''to create drabble, flashfic etc ... with a theme the four elements, divided into four tables to choose from, of course I throw myself on the 'Fire' being my favorite item, as well as associated with my Zodiac sign.
And here the idea of associating the Saint Seiya manga .
At first I considered the idea of choosing a pair and build the various one-shot on it, as one would expect on a table like that, but then I dismissed the case, classifying as' trivial '[yes, I am a proud supporter of the original ideas and impossible] to return to reason that I had pushed the table to choose Fire and use it to build my collection, in short, this story comes from' idea of associating to each element [then at each table] Saint linked to it through the zodiac signs for which they are custodians. You will now have three riders to the table, for which prompt the twelve will be divided, the division I did it accidentally, fishing the number of prompt and random association - in order 1, 2, 3 - to each of the three Saint.
I hope to finish this collection and, finally, comes out a good job.
That said, I leave you:)
° °
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Salon New Client Welcome Letters
We all know what day it is today. January 9. There is an important birthday today. And there is no need to say who, because we know so much.
Christmas, Severus!
Monday, January 3, 2011
My Dog Has Itchy Eyes
that is. It is not possible. I found a shirt in my closet. So far nothing unusual, of course. But that is shirt.
has two silver lines on the front. Yes, it's that .
was originally white. My pen almost silver had acted of her own free will. After having "cured" I had worn. I found two brooms, I made sure they were standing (a complicated system of boxes and cords, oh my) and then ... Look for me I had sung .
Yes, the two sides had to be the scope of those two walls. Oh dear. Oh God oh God oh God.
This song is following me. Before there, then at the rate of singing. And to think that it is not even one of my favorites: D
PS: I have been sucked from Death Note. Oh, yes. I still have some problem with the names, but I already watched four episodes. And half an hour of waiting is Megavideana almost complete. Yes!
PPS: The sequel to Nightmare Before Christmas . And I say no more.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Homemade Motorcycle Cakes
I do not know if they already know. Anyway.
Introducing the small Snape.
name I can not remember. I saw him last night, but I was dying to sleep so I just saved the image. Better than nothing, right?
And here the little Scorpius Hyperion.
Cute, eh? For the name of the actor ... the same holds true of Snape XD