The actor would have turned 88 years in May. With his wife Sandra was one of the most beloved of Italian TV.
MILANO - E 'dead Raimondo Vianello, actor and television presenter who with his wife Sandra Mondaini was one of the most famous of Italian TV. On May 7, would have turned 88 years old. The death occurred at seven in ten to San Raffaele hospital in Milan for the worsening of his physical condition. He was hospitalized from April 4. A resulting in death, the progressive worsening of physical condition. With him was his wife Sandra. The funeral will be held Saturday at 11 most likely in the Church of Milano Two, the neighborhood where he lived. The news of his death has been aroused emotion and grief, not only in show business, even the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, wanted to be remembered as "the popular actor who has given so much to the theater, film and Italian TV. "
CAREER - His professional career began with the revue theater after the war, an experience that had affected him (sharpshooter who had joined the Republic Salo was then detained in the concentration camp ally grown together to the American poet Ezra Pound and other future face of cinema as Walter Chiari, Enrico Maria Salerno and Luciano Salce). In the fifties he began to devote himself to the movies and had played alongside renowned actors such as Toto and Ugo Tognazzi. And with it has discovered the television program One, two three, which gave it notoriety. In 1962 he married Sandra Mondaini and she gave birth to a pair of steel of the Italian comedy. Since then, their careers have gone on so indissoluble, except for some personal experiences. With you conducted between the seventies and eighties some variety on Rai, including Y'know what?, apologies, apologies again, We ... no, the witch and I quiz Seven and a half and nothing tonight again.
THE TRANSITION TO MEDIASET - Over the past twenty years Raimondo Vianello was one of the faces of Channel 5 and teamed with his wife gave birth, among other things, the sit-com "Casa Vianello" (Aldo Grasso that the definition of "has been one of the few second homes available to all, a sort of time-free ') & # 171; House Vianello "and" Cruise Vianello. Big fan of sports (even in the sit-com is often represented with the Journal in his hands) was also conductor of "Pressing," Mediaset's response to the Sunday Sport.
ON THE STAGE OF SANREMO - Vianello had also led the Sanremo Festival in 1998, creating one of the first cases of face Mediaset Rai on the screens. And the presentation in the temple of the popular song, had no hesitation in say that "I like classical music, opera." His first was in Sanremo in '60, with Tognazzi, for a sketch that was later canceled. The second in Sanremo Giovani: "I went to cancer research - said the actor - I told myself that I was sick. There were a lot of fun. " Sanremo '98 was also the occasion to return to Rai for over twenty years from tonight's nothing new. That is one of the leading and most appreciated by the public one of the most unusual in the history of San Remo with a great comedien Vianello, smart and crafty, able to manage with ease their valleys, the beautiful supermodel Eva Herzigova and actress Veronica comic Pivetti. Even Madonna's kiss was able to break it.