Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Catholic Spanish Wedding Program Wording

* __ * Consistency

Congratulations to [info] layshaly that birthday today!

If I could I'd written a fic-gift, but between school and I could not block; __;
random: the task of Latin might have gone well, Jukka is priceless and the 'Agreement on Justice not to be done.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

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I was hanging out on the blog of Beppe Grillo, when I came across something very interesting.
An extract from an interview with a Tunisian television (Mediaset which owns 25%) in which Berlusconi was in August 23.

Let's have a laugh (I quote):

Conductor: "Italy on the attractiveness of holding Maghreb, you can go to immigration, especially illegal immigration, which unfortunately makes thousands of deaths," Berlusconi
" The most terrible thing are criminal organizations, which are many. Ben Ali today said the 300 organizations discovered by police in your country. These are people who take advantage of hope others, persons who are in misery and want to give themselves and their loved ones a better future. And then rely on people with unsafe boats you put in sea and this leads to tragedy all the time. We must fight this. You must
increase opportunities for people who want groped new opportunities for life and work, given increased opportunities to enter legally in Italy and other European countries. This is what I want done, not only in Italy but throughout Europe. And then we must say that the Italians were a people who left Italy and emigrated to other countries, especially in the U.S.. So this requires us the duty to look to those who want to come to Italy with a total opening of the heart. And donate to those who are in Italy the possibility of a job, a house , a school for their children, and the possibility of a welfare also means that the health and the opening of all our hospitals to their needs and this is the policy of my government "
Presenter:" You are incredible president, I can not refrain dall'applaudire "

[... ] is the policy of My Government.

For the series: better to laugh than cry. I prefer not to comment further XD

[ beppegrillo ] [ nessmatv ]

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why Did Diego Rivera Create The Agitator


My father says I am easily scared - I agree. Which is due to a series of experiences and circumstances certainly negligible at this time.

Nevertheless, what I saw yesterday was not really a pleasant thing.

In fact, last night - more or less around 23 - I attended from his study window to a half of aggression which I have not known the causes or the purpose.

were echoed by some screams for help and I looked out and there was a man who was trying to choke / shut up in a violent way (?) / Etc a woman who tried to free himself from its grip , just when I was about to cry too, she managed to break free and fled, the man went back a few yards but then decided not to do whatever he wanted and went the other way.

All took place within minutes absolutely horrible.

According to my parents could be an argument over - very - bad, I had a very different impression. The first thing I thought is: he wants to rape. And in an instant there was this woman there, but I, my mother, my sister ...

I felt bad for about ten minutes I felt a rage that I did not imagine I could try, revulsion toward that being unclean, and fear, so much.

And then it all comes back to mind the discussion we had at school on rape, the cases that you hear on the news, and opinions.

And I find myself thinking that the status of women in Italy really sucks: starting from the rapists who are two days in jail and then started again, her companions who abuse animals and get away, abortion and IVF largely denied the opportunity to work less (because you're pregnant), lower wages and much more.

I had to write more, now that I think, but I can not find the words.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Canoscan N124ou Flatbed Scanner

Yes ... WOW

... still can not believe it, but ...


Oh, yeah. For the rest

are emotionally unstable ok * headdesk *

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Icc Science Of Hair Colouring

Bedouin Song

Una donna s'alza e canta
la segue il vento e l'incanta
e sulla terra la stende
e il sogno vero la prende.
Questa terra è nuda
questa donna è druda
questo vento è forte
questo sogno è morte

Bedouin song

"the wind - it is harsh and it
this dream - the dead are"

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Morire come le allodole assetate
sul miraggio

O come la quaglia
passato il mare
nei first to fly because bushes

no longer want to live But

lament as a goldfinch blinded

I would translate this poem in Russian, but it is' untranslatable, I think

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ceases to KILL THE DEAD ... .

Male Waxing Pittsburgh

this is me this is I am a creature

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Valloncello of Top Four August 5, 1916

As this stone
Del S. Michele
So cold So hard

So So So
refractory totally disheartened

As this stone is my cry that is not seen

of rebate

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Woods Courton July 1918 It is as

autumn leaves on the trees

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mount & Blade The Wedding Dance Marriage

Stop killing the dead of

Cease to kill the dead,
not scream, do not shout
if you still want to hear,
if you hope not to die.

have the subtle whisper, do not make more noise

of growing grass, where it passes
happy man.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Which Stores Offer Layaway

A cut here, cut there, and the hair is gone - the man who puccio * _ *
Wa, for the first Once, I love this cut.
Thanks * _ * "*

Sclerosclerosclero *

However, no use crying on the ink spilled \u0026lt;- aka, the pearl of wisdom, not the 23 and passes

XD Oh, well. ~

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cocky Jealousy Quotes

Greetings Brother!

Chu Ho.
Brother XD
It is with great pleasure, Ladies and Signor, I do the most pucciosi birthday wishes for a. .. [info] la_fra86
Oh, well, how old are you, eh? * __ *
Congratulations! ^ ^ Greetings from the heart to

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Male Underwear Examination

Happy birthday!

[info] mikichan17 that birthday today!

Happy birthday, dear * __ *